WINTER HOURS: Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm; Saturday 10am - 4pm. CLOSED SUNDAYS and MONDAYS
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Adam Hudson "The Knotty Guy"

Artist Adam Hudson, also known as The Knotty Guy, is a Tsimshian Native Alaskan. He was born and raised in Metlakatla and now lives in Ketchikan. Adam’s passion for the ancient maritime art of marlinspike seamanship – the art of seamanship that includes the tying of knots, splicing, working with cable or rope, as well as making decorative items from rope – keeps him busy when he’s not at sea.

Adam started working with rope in 2014 when his daughter asked him to teach her how to make a paracord bracelet. He learned how to make a bracelet so he could show her and continued to be fascinated with creating useful items with rope and knots. His creations are both aesthetic and functional.