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Dan Bartos


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Dan Bartos, owner and operator of Willowdale Pottery in Yankton, South Dakota, has been a potter for over 40 years.  Dan says, " I am still learning about it, struggling with it at times, but loving it always."  Dan's first attempts at the potter's wheel was in his 7th grade art class in Ketchikan, Alaska. Once he worked with clay on the wheel, he was hooked.  He began selling his pieces during his freshman year of high school. "What you see now is the culmination of all these years of practice and the making of many thousands of pots, years of art school, and additional classes, workshops, and retreats."  Dan is always trying to push his craft - to try more daring and often unique things with clay just to see if he can make it work. He moved from Alaska to Yankton, South Dakota in 2006 and established Willowdale Pottery.  His work has been shown in local, state, national, and solo shows. He has also exhibited in galleries, museums, and sold his pottery pieces around the world.


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