WINTER HOURS: Tuesday - Friday, 10am - 5pm; Saturday 10am - 4pm. CLOSED SUNDAYS and MONDAYS
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Double Vision Alaska


Jeff and Jon are two artists and friends that live and work in Alaska. Jeff Schultz is a photographer and Jon Van Zyle is an artist. Both are longtime Alaskans with a deep love for the Last Frontier.

In a unique combination of camera and canvas, the two present an intimate perspective of the great state of Alaska, in its four distinct seasons, that can only be captured across many years of adventure, exploration, and friendship.  Jeff, in his photography, and Jon, in his painting, reveal their deep love for the natural world, an appreciation for the unique culture of Alaska, and an invitation to explore the wilds of the Last Frontier.

For every double page spread, each artist has selected their favorite image (painting or photo) and then combined it with a smaller, supporting image from the other artist to further the page theme. Like a tapestry or a symphony, the embellishments and variations enrich the final product.

In several instances, Jeff and Jon have combined their artistic talents to create a unique new format to enhance each other’s work.  Jon actually paints on one of Jeff’s photographs to combine their visions, creating a whole new portrayal.

Enjoy the anecdotal commentary provided by the artists’ wives, Joan Schultz and Jona Van Zyle, as they serve as your tour guides through all four seasons in their home state.  Their added insight into the creativity and dedication of their husbands’ work pursuits acts as a backstage pass to the experience of capturing the essence of Alaska through photography and paintbrush.