Sandy Shepard came to Ketchikan, Alaska, in 1973 to work, and then go to school. She met her husband shortly after arriving in Ketchikan. Sandy and her husband built their house 12 miles north of downtown Ketchikan. They located their house on a cliff, next to a creek overlooking the beautiful Tongass Narrows.
Sandy and her husband have three daughters. While raising her family, she took classes at the college in drawing, printmaking, watercolor and calligraphy. Her interests grew in the arts so she pursued learning more about drawing and watercolor painting. She would often travel far to take workshops from well-known artists.
Sandy has always had a love for the outdoors. Inspired by the natural beauty in southeast Alaska, she has continued to present her paintings at local shows and galleries. In the past years she has won many awards through the Arts Guild and the Ketchikan Arts and Humanities Council juried art shows.
Through many walks on the beaches here, she decided to incorporate what she sees on her walks into her artwork. She now does a watercolor collage effect on many of her works in hopes to give the public a bit of Southeast Alaska to take home.
Sandy has always participated in volunteering in the schools and in local art groups. She is a member of the Ketchikan Arts and Humanities Council and three years ago she helped reform the Ketchikan Watercolor Society. She is now an active board member with that group and helps to bring many well-known artists to instruct her in Southeast Alaska.